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Интервал между символами (кернинг): Стандартный Средний Большой
Информация о гимназии на английском языке |
27.02.2017 00:00 |
Количество просмотров материала:10197 |
Municipal budgetary general education institution “ Gymnasium 21”, founded in 1966, October,31
MBOU “Gymnasium 21” is an educational institution of high standards. Good education is the main priority for those who enrol there. Students are given an opportunity to get a broad-based classical education in all subjects included in the national curriculum and learn foreign languages at advanced level. The gymnasium aims at forming a highly-developed mature personality who is able to digest Russian and world culture, to adapt to new standards of life and its value system, to meet demands of modern society. Its school-leavers are to possess the skills of sociability, adequate self-esteem, able to make their own life choice, to start their career and continue their professional self-education and self-improvement.
2010 - the winner of the regional contest for a grant from Educational Quality Incentive Fund for superior educational services; 2011- the winner of the regional contest for a grant from Educational Quality Incentive Fund for superior educational services; 2012- the winner of the regional contest for a grant from Educational Quality Incentive Fund for superior educational services; 2018- the winner of the regional contest for a grant from Educational Quality Incentive Fund for superior Educational services.
MBOU "Gymnasium №21" is located at 332, Sibiryakov-Gvardeitstev and 318, Sibiryakov-Gvardeitstev, Kemerovo, 650056 Travel directions: http://go.2gis.com/y559
Initiating bodies: City authorities represented by Kemerovo Municipal Property Management Committee Chief executive: Nikolay Yurievich Habluck, Deputy City Executive, chairman of Committee. Address: 7, Pritomskaya Naberezhnaya, Kemerovo
The academic year in “Gymnasium 21’ comprises 4 terms. Students go to school 6 days a week. There is a five-day school week for first, second and third graders. Classes are conducted in 2 shifts. Classes begin at 8.00 (first shift) and at 2.00 (second shift)
Our teachers are holders of regional and professional awards:
Honoured teacher of the Russian Federation - 2
The teachers of the gymnasium are active participants, winners, diploma winners and laureates of contests and conferences of different levels including All-Russia awards. Consequently, it benefits the process of education and upbringing at school.
The administration and teachers of MBOU “Gymnasium 21” pay great attention to safety control. For this purpose the gymnasium is equipped with all necessary facilities: • Police alarm call button • Fire-alarm sounding system • Video monitoring system The gymnasium safeguard is performed by a private security firm. |
Обновлено 22.09.2021 03:30 |